
November 2024


Andre was featured in the episode 1 of Quantum Bits by MSA Student Council where he recalls an anecdote from his grad school days at Cornell University

First Year Grad Students Nitin Sathish Kumar and Jaewoon Lee joins the group, welcome to the group Nitin & Jaewoon!!


SRC Nov 24 Artcle

Group was featured by Semiconductor Research Corporation on their monthly Tech News blast for analytical STEM study observing how spintronic magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) degrade over time when a continuous current is applied. We discovered that the layers within the device get pinched, forming a “pinhole,” which leads to malfunction and eventual burnout. The startling discovery was that this happened at lower temperatures than previously expected. Read the full article here.


August 2024

Andre inducted as a Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America for his contributions to understanding electron beam channeling, quantification of imaging and spectroscopy in STEM, and discovery of fundamentally new behavior in crystal point and line defects using STEM at M&M '24 in Cleveland! Congrats Dr. Mkhoyan!

December 2023

Supriya Ghosh successfully defended her PhD thesis "Atomic Scale Characterization of Electron-Beam Sensitive Nanomaterials Using Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy" Congrats Dr. Ghosh! We're excited to have you as a Post-Doc and contribute towards developing amazing science!

November 2023

First Year Grad Student Homayra Tabassum Mumu joins the group co-advised with Professor XJ Wang, welcome to the group Homayra!!

First Year Grad Student Aneesh Namjoshi joins the group, welcome to the group Aneesh!!

Dr. Hwanhui Yun won "Best Oral Presentation Award" at IMC20 in Busan, Korea, in Sept. 2023. Congratulations Hwanhui!!

July 2023

Silu Guo won the "Best Poster Award (1st place) in "Physical Sciences" category at M&M 2023 meeting in Minneapolis. Congratulations Silu!! See CEMS highlight.

December 2022

Dr. Hwanhui Yun joins the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Daejeon, as a research scientist. Congratulations Dr. Yun, and good luck on the new journey!

November 2022

First Year Grad Student Ananthu Mahendranath joins the group, welcome to the group Ananthu!!

September 2022

Supriya received the Richard D. Amelar and Arthur S. Lodge Fellowship for Outstanding Collaborative Research in Materials. Congratulations Supriya!! Get a glimpse of her research here.

May 2022

Supriya was awarded the prestigious Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations Supriya!!

February 2022

Andre interviewed Professor Phil Batson ahead of his RMS talk on "The Road from Surface Plasmons to Space-Time Resolution Using EELS" Find the complete lecture and the interview here.

November 2021

First Year Grad Students Jay Shah and Rishi Raj join the group, welcome to the group Rishi & Jay!!

June 2021

Supriya's paper "Two Distinct Stages of Structural Modification of ZIF-L MOF under Electron-Beam Irradiation" is featured on the cover of ACS Chemistry of Materials!

May 2021

REU Student Cecilia joins the group to work on Multislice Image Simulations of Perovskite Oxides, welcome to the group Cecilia!

February 2021

Our New mircoscope, Thermo Fisher TALOS FX200 was installed at Charfac! More details here.

January 2021

Hwanhui's paper "Metallic line defect in wide-bandgap transparent perovskite BaSnO3" was published in Science Advances!! Congratulation on this great work Dr. Yun!

October 2020

First Year Grad Student Yeon Lee joins the group, welcome to the group Yeon!!

July 2020

Jacob Held successfully defended his PhD thesis "Pushing the limits of STEM analysis and its application toward the characterization of nanocrystals and nanomaterials" Congrats Dr. Held!

July 2020

Hwanhui Yun successfully defended her PhD thesis "Atomic and electronic structures of local crystalline defects in perovskite stannates studied using analytical STEM" Congrats Dr. Yun!

April 2020

Supriya was selected for the M&M 2020 Student Scholar Award for her paper "Atomic and electronic structure evolution of ZIF-L metal organic framework during amorphization!"

March 2020

Our paper, One-dimensional intergrowths in two-dimensional zeolite nanosheets and their effect on ultra-selective transport was published in Nature Materials! UMN Highlight.

October 2019

First Year Grad Student Silu Guo joins the group, welcome Silu!

August 2019

Our collaborative work, Metal-insulator transition in a semiconductor nanocrystal network, was published in Science Advances!

April 2019

Our collaborative work, Van der Waals contacts between three-dimensional metals and two-dimensional semiconductors, was published in Nature!

March 2019

Hwanhui was selected for the M&M 2019 Student Scholar Award for her paper "Visualization of Misfit Dislocation Network at the BaSnO3-LaAlO3 Interface!"

February 2019

Our paper, Subatomic Channeling and Helicon-Type Beams in SrTiO3, was published in Physical Review Letters!

September 2018

Our paper, Zeolitic imidazolate framework membranes made by ligand-induced permselectivation, was published in Science and highlighted in Nature research highlights and in Chemical & Engineering News!

August 2018

Prashant Kumar successfully defended his PhD thesis "Structural Investigation of Electron-Beam Sensitive Zeolites and Metal-Organic-Frameworks Using Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy" Congrats Dr. Kumar!

July 2018

Our collaborative work, Room-temperature high spin–orbit torque due to quantum confinement in sputtered BixSe(1–x) films, lead by Jian-Ping Wang's group, was published in Nature Materials!

June 2018

Ryan Wu successfully defended his PhD thesis "Applications of Transmission Electron Microscopy on Freestanding and Embedded 2D materials" Congrats Dr. Wu!

June 2018

Hwanhui was awarded an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award!

April 2018

Jacob Held was awarded a 2018-19 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship! A full list of recipients can be found here.

April 2018

Our lab was awarded the Spring 2018 JST Lab Safety Award!

February 2018

Ryan was awarded the APS Ovshinsky Student Travel Award to present his research on "Direct Observation of 2D Material Interfacial States within Devices Using STEM-EELS" at the 2018 APS meeting in Los Angeles!

December 2017

Prashant was awarded the silver MRS Graduate Student Award for his talk "Atomic resolution imaging of 2D zeolite nanosheets using transmission electron microscopy" presented at the 2017 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston!

December 2017

First Year Grad Student Supriya Ghosh joins the group, welcome Supriya!

August 2017

Our group had a very successful presence at the M&M 2017 Meeting; Jacob was awarded the 1st place poster award, and Prashant took 1st place in the micrograph competition!

June 2017

Claire won first place at the student paper competition for the Society of Experimental Mechanics annual conference!

April 2017

Prashant Kumar was selected for the M&M 2017 Presidential Scholar Award!

March 2017

Ryan Wu was awarded a 2017-18 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship! A full list of recipients for 2017-18 can be found here.

March 2017

A newly-installed FEI Helios dual-beam FIB is running and ready to be used in CharFac. Detailed information may be found at the vendor website.

March 2017

Our collaborative work, lead by Prashant Kumar of our lab, and Tspatasis lab members, Ultra-selective high-flux membranes from directly synthesized zeolite nanosheets was published in Nature.

February 2017

Our collaborative work with Kortshagen group, Nonthermal Plasma Synthesis of Core/Shell Quantum Dots: Strained Ge/Si Nanocrystals was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

July 2016

Our group had a very successful presence at the M&M 2016 Meeting; Jacob and Prashant were awarded 1st and 2nd place poster awards!

June 2016

We received a 2016 Research Infrastructure Investment Program award for a new FIB acquisition.

May 2016

Jong's paper is highlighted on the Nanoscale cover.

May 2016

Prashant Kumar was awarded a 2016-17 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship! A full list of recipients for 2016-17 can be found here.

September 2015

Andre recieved a University of Minnesota Postdoctoral Association Outstanding Mentor Award!

September 2015

Michael Odlyzko successfully defended his PhD thesis "Surprising microscopy subtleties: measuring picoscale thicknesses, visualizing core orbitals, and detecting charge transfer using the TEM." Congrats Michael!

September 2015

Danielle Hickey was awarded a best poster award at the Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures (C-SPIN) 2015 Annual Review!

August 2015

Our group had a very successful presence at the M&M 2015 Meeting!
- Ryan Wu and Michael Odlyzko were selected for the M&M 2015 Presidential Scholar Award.
- Prof. Jong Seok Jeong and Prashant Kumar recieved the M&M 2015 Micrograph Competition Award (first place and third place, respectively) for their electron micrographs.

May 2015

Our collaborative work with Tsapatsis lab, "Quantification of thickness and wrinkling of exfoliated two-dimensional zeolite nanosheets", was published in Nature Communications.

May 2015

Claire Teresi was selected for the CEMS Outstanding Teaching Assistant award for her performance in MATS 3851!

April 2015

Ryan Wu and Michael Odlyzko were selected for the M&M 2015 Presidential Scholar Award!

April 2015

Samuel Duncan awarded UMN UROP for undergraduate research.

August 2014

Andrew Wagner successfully defended his PhD thesis "An in-situ analytical (S)TEM investigation of structure-property relationships in electronic materials" Congrats Andrew!

August 2014

Our group had a very successful presence at the M&M 2014 Meeting. Prashant Kumar won first place in the "Best Poster Award in Instrumentation" category. Ryan Wu and Eric Hintsala both won second place in the "Best Poster Awards in Physical Sciences" category. Prashant also received the M&M 2014 Micrograph Competition Award (second place) for his electron micrograph. Prof. Jong Jeong accepted the Eric Samuel Scholarship for outstanding post doctoral papers.

May 2014

Our work with collaborators from the Carnegie Institution of Washington has been published in Science. The paper "Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite in Earth's deep lower mantle" is also featured in Science Perspectives.

April 2014

Dr. Jong Seok Jeong was selected for the postdoctoral Eric Samuel Scholarship at the 2014 Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) meeting in Hartford, Conn. in August.

December 2013

Anudha Mittal successfully defended her PhD thesis "Limits in Atomic-Scale TEM Data." Congrats Anudha!

September 2013

Aloysius Gunawan successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Inelastic Scattering in STEM for Studying Structural and Electronic Properties of Chalcogenide-Based Semiconductor Nanocrystals". Congrats Al!

August 2013

Anudha Mittal received the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Microbeam Analysis Society (MAS) at the Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013 meeting in Indianapolis, IN. She received the award in recognition of her research on electron beam channeling in atomic columns presented at the M&M 2013 meeting.

August 2013

Prashant Kumar received the M&M Micrograph Competition Award (2nd place) for his electron micrograph titled, "Blossoming in Zeolitic Garden," at the M&M 2013 meeting in Indianapolis, IN.

May 2013

Claire Teresi earned the prestigious Rickover Fellowship Program in Nuclear Engineering (RFP). The program is designed to meet the needs of the Naval Reactors Division of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

March 2013

The Mkhoyan Group is now part of the Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces and Novel Architectures (C-SPIN) a multi-university program sponsored by SRC.

January 2013

Andy Ylitalo, a high school student in the group, has been selected as one of four Minnesota semifinalists in the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search.

June 2012

Aloysius Gunawan has received a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. A full list of recipients for 2012-2013 can be found here.

May 2012

Michael Odlyzko received the CEMS Outstanding TA Award for 2011-2012.

April 2012

Aloysius Gunawan has been selected as a Microscopy Society of America Presidential Student Awardees and will accept this award at the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2012 meeting.

January 2012

Our paper titled "Imaging 'Invisible' Dopant Atoms in Semiconductor Nanocrystals" has been highlighted in Nature Chemistry.

January 2012

Al was awarded the Ted Pella Prize for best poster at the Minnesota Microscopy Society's Microscopy across the Disciplines poster session.

November 2011

Justin Helps and Pranav Suri have joined the group.

October 2011

Anudha Mittal and Andre Mkhoyan with collaborators have been published in Science. The paper "Dispersible Exfoliated Zeolite Nanosheets and Their Application as a Selective Membrane" can be found here.

July 2011

Andre Mkhoyan has received funding from the University of Minnesota for the purchase of an aberration corrected transmission electron microscope. More information can be found here.

June 2011

Eric Hintsala, co-advised by Prof. Bill Gerberich, has joined the group.

June 2011

Dayne Plemmons has joined the group as summer REU. He is working with Al Gunawan

June 2011

Megan Aubin has joined the group as an undergraduate research assistant.

May 2011

Alex Chov joined the group as an undergraduate research assistant. He is working with Andrew Wagner.

May 2011

Aloysius Gunawan received the CEMS Outstanding TA Award for 2010-2011.

May 2011

Dr. Jong Jeong joined the group as a postdoctoral research associate.

April 2011

Mkhoyan and Kortshagen are awarded UMN-GIA Award for acquisition of new specialized TEM holder.

February 2011

Dan Sorensen joined the group. He is an engineer at Medtronic, Inc. and is a first year M.S. student in materials science & engineering at the University of Minnesota.

September 2010

Rahool Gadkari joined the group. He is first year M.S. student in electrical engineering at the University of Minnesota.

June 2010

Our group has become part of the UMN-MRSEC program, in IRG4.

June 2010

Our group in collaboration with Dumitrica group has been awarded a NSF-DMR grant for research on BN sheets.

March 2010

Mkhoyan was selected as one of the recipients of the 3M Nontenured Faculty Award for 2010. The award will support his research on the understanding of nanoscale holes in graphene oxide for filtration and biodetection. The award is given to promising nontenured faculty members nominated by 3M researchers.

January 2010

Aloysius and Anudha received scholarships to attend the 2010 Winter School on High Resolution Electron Microscopy at Arizona State University.

November 2009

Michael Odlyzko joined the group. He is a first year graduate student in materials science at the University of Minnesota.

Summer 2009

Kartikeya Desai and Jared Haus have joined the group. They are undergraduates in chemical engineering at the University of Minnesota.

June.16 2009

Mkhoyan was awarded Seed grant through MRSEC at University of Minnesota.

December 2008

Mkhoyan has been awarded a Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship from Graduate School of University of Minnesota. This award will support acquisition of Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer for STEM. For more details see GIA of U of M.

December 2008

Our paper entitled "Atomic and Electronic Structure of Graphene-Oxide" is accepted for publication in Nano Letters. The paper was part of collaboration between our group, Nano-materials and Devices Group at Rutgers University and Dr. Derek Stewart of Cornell University. Here is the list of all contributing authors: K.A. Mkhoyan, A.W. Contryman, J. Silcox, D.A. Stewart, G. Eda, C. Mattevi, S. Miller, and M. Chhowalla.

November 2008

Al, Anudha, Andrew and Whitney joined the group. They are first-year graduate students from the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department at University of Minnesota.

October 2008

MRSEC at University of Minnesota will support acquisition of new adds-on (including EELS/EDX) for the transmission electron microscopes at Characterization Facilities locates in Shepherd Lab.

September 2008

The Mkhoyan Group is here!