Transmission Electron Microscopes
We have access to the following equipment through the Characterization facility!
FEI Titan Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
72 Shepherd Labs
- Probe corrector (DCOR) for STEM spatial resolution up to 64 pm
- High-intensity X-FEG field emission gun
- Operation at accelerating voltages of 60, 80, 200, and 300 kV
- HAADF, BF, and 2 DF STEM detectors
- SuperX EDS detector for high-speed elemental mapping
- Gatan Enfinium ER EELS spectrometer with DualEELS
- Gun monochromator allows 0.2 eV EELS energy resolution
- Charfac
Thermo Fisher TALOS FX200
73 Shepherd Labs
- Fast and accessible elemental mapping in 3D via energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and EDS tomography
- 30+ fps imaging for in situ analysis using a Ceta CMOS camera
- Improved stability and drift-compensation from piezo-enhanced stage control,
- Micro electron diffraction for crystallographic analysis of nanoscale single crystals
- Accelerating voltage: 80, 200 keV
- Resolution: 1.6 Å in STEM and 1 Å in HRTEM
- HAADF, ADF and BF detectors
- SuperX EDX detector
- Analytical in-situ TEM Holders
Dynamic 4k Camera
Thermo Fisher TALOS F200C
1-208 Nils Hasselmo Hall
- High-contrast cryo-capable FEG TEM optimized for soft materials and in-situ liquid studies
- 40 fps full-resolution imaging for in situ analysis using Thermo Fisher Ceta CMOS camera and dedicated storage network
- Thermo Fisher Velox and Bruker Esprit software for data collection and advanced processing
- Thermo Fisher Tomography and Inspect 3D software packages for tomography data collection and volumetric reconstruction
- Accelerating voltage: 200 keV
- Resolution: 2.0 Å in STEM and 1.8 Å in HRTEM
- 16M Thermo Fisher Ceta G2 CMOS camera
- ADF and BF STEM detectors
- Single-X EDX detector
- Thermo Fisher cryo, tomography, and analytical double-tilt holders
Field Emission Gun TEM
1-212 Nils Hasselmo Hall
- Field Emission Gun
- Twin-pole piece with point to point resolution of 0.24nm; 0.15 nm resolution can be achieved by computer processing
- Magnifications up to 800,000X (More than 1 million times in STEM mode)
- Fully computer controlled high stability CompuStage
- Up to 70° eucentric tilt
- Operation at accelerating voltages from 50kV to 300kV
- 4k x 4k Ultrascan CCD camera
- Low-noise plate camera
- Bright Field (BF) and Dark Field (DF) STEM imaging
- High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) detector for Z-Contrast imaging
- Gatan K2 Summit Direct Electron Camera for Beam Sensitive Imaging
- Xplore 3D and Amira software for TEM Tomography (For 3D reconstruction of TEM images)
FEI Tecnai T12 TEM
77 Shepherd Labs
- The Tecnai T12 microscope combines all imaging, diffraction, and analytical techniques at good spatial resolution and detection efficiency.
- Application-specific modes include: Bright- and dark-field imaging; TEM microprobe and nanoprobe analysis; small-probe convergent beam; and large specimen tilts.
- LaB6 source.
- Accelerating voltage range of 20 to 120 kV.
- Magnifications up to 700,000x.
- Point resolution: 0.34 nm; Line resolution: 0.2 nm.
- Maximum specimen tilt: 70 degrees.
- Drift rate: <1 nm / min.
- Specimen holders: Single tilt; double tilt; tilt–rotate; double-tilt cooling; single- and double-tilt heating; low-background single-tilt EDX; and straining/indenting mechanical holders.
- Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer: Oxford Inca system with an ultrathin window allows the detection of elements from beryllium to uranium.
TEM Holders
- Low-background single- and double-tilt, tilt-rotate;
- Single- and double-tilt heating;
- Protochips Poseidon Select Liquid Cell;
- Hysitron PI95 PicoIndenter;
- Cryo and tomography holders;
- Protochips Fusion Select Double-tilt Heating/Electrical Biasing Holder