Dr Yun and STEM

Welcome to the Analytical Electron Microscopy Lab

The Mkhoyan Lab is an analytical electron microscopy lab where research at the atomic scale is daily routine. When materials are so small that measuring their dimensions and observing their behavior require atomic-level precision, experimental tools with the same atomic-scale sensitivity are essential. The technological developments in creating nanomaterials and in electron microscopy with ultra-high-resolution capabilities have in recent years been converging on a common objective, promising to open a new field of intriguing possibilities.

TEM and dedicated analytical (S)TEM have recently reached a major milestone. With the advent of lens aberration correction, microscopes now achieve sub-Å resolution. In combination with quantitative spectroscopy these microscopes provide unprecedented experimental capabilities.

The study of these "very small" materials promises to pave the way to new discoveries about their properties and the physical processes occurring inside them. In our lab not only do we address puzzling questions about what happens to materials at this scale, but also we kindle the scientific imagination to anticipate new questions that have heretofore never occurred.


"What is essential is invisible to the eye." - A. de Saint-Exupery


Contact Us | Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science | College of Science and Engineering | University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Group News

November 2024

Andre was featured in the episode 1 of Quantum Bits by MSA Student Council where he recalls an anecdote from his grad school days at Cornell University. Check it out here.

First Year Grad Student Nitin Sathish Kumar joins the group, welcome to the group Nitin!!

Group was featured by Semiconductor Research Corporation on their monthly Tech News blast for analytical STEM study observing how spintronic magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) degrade over time when a continuous current is applied. Read the full article here.

August 2024

Andre inducted as a Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America for his contributions to understanding electron beam channeling, quantification of imaging and spectroscopy in STEM, and discovery of fundamentally new behavior in crystal point and line defects using STEM at M&M '24 in Cleveland! Congrats Dr. Mkhoyan!